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Acting on a promise made last week, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY) has introduced a series of bills to repeal various portions of the new health care bill, and challenged opponents of the Affordable Care Act to move on them. The six pieces of legislation, all entitled the HIPA-CRIT Act (Health Insurance Protects America – Can’t Repeal IT) would rescind six provisions of the law considered the most popular. H.R. 6449 through 6454 would repeal the bans on establishing annual limits for a health-insurance policy; establishing lifetime limits for a health-insurance policy; preexisting condition exclusions for adults; preexisting condition exclusions for children; and the extension of dependent coverage until age 26.
In a statement, Ackerman said: “These are great safeguards that improve coverage for all Americans,” adding, “Republicans wouldn’t dare vote to do away with them despite their campaign pledge to do so. But I’m calling them out on it, and dare the GOP to vote for these bills.”
This entry was written by Ilyse Schuman.