In the News
June 30, 2015

How to make sense of Obama’s big chances to overtime policy

Lee Schreter is quoted in this article on the Department of Labor’s overtime rule. This…

In the News
June 29, 2015

Why Your Overtime Expenses Are About to Skyrocket

Tammy McCutchen provides comments on the impact the Department of Labor’s overtime rule will…

In the News
June 29, 2015

Will the Supremes take Friedrichs? – Nestle expands maternity leave – What’s on the July labor agenda

Mark Phillis provides commentary on the same-sex marriage ruling.PoliticoView Article

In the News
June 29, 2015

Overtime Proposed Rule Could Wreak Havoc

Tammy McCutchen provides insight on the Department of Labor’s overtime rule.Society For Human…

In the News
June 27, 2015

Gays still lack full civil rights protection in Pennsylvania

Mark Phillis comments on the issues surrounding Pennsylvania lacking a statewide law prohibiting…
