In the News
March 2, 2016

EEOC’s Landmark LGBT Suits Turn Up Heat on Employers

Mark Phillis comments on the EEOC’s first filing of lawsuits accusing employers of gender bias…

March 2, 2016

Independent Contractor Agreements

Rick Roskelley and Kathryn Blakey authored this article covering independent contractor agreements…

March 1, 2016

From the President: Valuing Diversity

Joycelyn Stevenson authored this article discussing the continuing need to tackle issues associated…

In the News
March 1, 2016

After Scalia Death, Outlook Unclear for Some Employment Cases

Ted Schroeder is quoted discussing the effect of Justice Scalia’s death on the Green v.…

March 1, 2016

Unpaid Internships Are Not Uncommon - But Are They Legal?

Alan Levins and Katherine Kimsey authored this article outlining both the nationwide and California…
