In the News
August 26, 2015

Business Leaders Mount Effort to Beat Back Contractor ‘Blacklisting’ Rule

Michael Lotito discusses implications of the blacklisting rule proposed by the Department of Labor…

August 26, 2015

What Should Employers Do To Prepare for Coming White Collar Pay Change?

Bruce Millman authored this article discussing the proposed overtime rule by the U.S. Department of…

Press Release
August 25, 2015

Littler’s Workplace Policy Institute Calls for Withdrawal of Proposed “Blacklisting” Rules

In public comments submitted to the administration, WPI called the so-called “blacklisting” rule an “unprecedented executive overreach.”

In the News
August 24, 2015

Ad Hoc BYOD Policies Leave Employers Vulnerable

Philip Gordon discusses problems employers can face with bring-your-own-device policies in relation…

August 24, 2015

Eight Steps Toward Eliminating Workplace Bullying

Kevin O’Neill and Kathy Cooper Franklin authored this article discussing workplace bullying…
