In the News
August 29, 2015

Enraging Industry, Labor Board Asserts Its Power Under Obama

Michael Lotito is quoted on the National Labor Relations Board’s support of organized…

In the News
August 28, 2015

The U.S. Government Just Gave Contract Workers Way More Organizing Power

Michael Lotito discusses the National Labor Relations Board’s decision on joint-employer…

August 28, 2015

Social Media Quandary: Who Owns Contacts?

Bruce Sarchet authored this article on the implications of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act in relation…

August 28, 2015

Employment Costs

Renata Neeser authored this article on the implications of Brazil’s Supreme Court ruling that…

In the News
August 28, 2015

Union Watch: NLRB Rule Change

Michael Lotito is featured on a segment discussing the potential implications of the National Labor…
