Your search returned 389 results.

In the News
February 3, 2023

FMLA: The 30-year legacy of a celebrated — and complicated — employment law

Jeff Nowak discusses the past, present and future of the FMLA, and says it has gained in significance over the years and will continue to do so.

In the News
February 1, 2023

Illinois Paid Leave Brings a Twist to Expanding Sick Time Laws

Stephanie Mills-Gallan says mandatory paid time off laws are an interesting twist and the possibilities for misuse and abuse are endless. (Subscription required.)

In the News
January 31, 2023

Federal laws expand protections for pregnant, lactating workers

Mark T. Phillis talks about new protections for pregnant and lactating employees, and explains how the PUMP Act expands federal law and how PWFA differs from the ADA.

In the News
January 27, 2023

Paid-Leave Requirements for COVID-19 Are Dwindling

Stephanie Mills-Gallan says paid-leave requirements for COVID-19 are being scaled back and multistate employers shouldn't adopt a blanket, companywide policy for COVID-19 leave because state and local laws have varied requirements. (Subscription required.

In the News
January 23, 2023

Fewer Jurisdictions Require Paid Leave for COVID-19

Stephanie Mills-Gallan tells employers not to assume that other paid-leave programs will satisfy laws mandating COVID-19-specific leave. (Subscription required.)
