In the News
March 23, 2016

Data Transfer Hurdles Have Companies Hedging Bets

Philip Gordon is quoted on the international data transfer agreement, called Privacy Shield, and…

In the News
March 22, 2016

Pennsylvania May Lead Way in 'Clean Slate' Legislation

William Simmons is quoted discussing Philadelphia’s “ban the box” law that went…

In the News
March 22, 2016

Supreme Court Pick Garland’s Track Record Less Friendly to Business

Michael Lotito is quoted discussing Judge Merrick Garland’s potential appointment to the U.S.…

March 21, 2016

Ten Rules on Equal Pay in Brazil

Renata Neeser authored this article outlining the main parameters set by the Superior Labor Court…

In the News
March 21, 2016

White House May Have Advantage in Upcoming ACA Contraception Case

Steven Friedman is quoted discussing the challenges of the ACA contraception case.Modern…
