In the News
May 17, 2016

4 Ways the New Overtime Rules May Affect Your Paycheck

Tammy McCutchen says employers may decide to raise a worker’s base pay to avoid paying…

In the News
May 17, 2016

Overtime Pay May Become Reality for More U.S. Workers

Tammy McCutchen suggests the adjustments in federal overtime rules could leave many workers with…

In the News
May 17, 2016

Employers Brace for New Overtime Rules

Brian Dixon describes how the higher overtime threshold will affect employers in California.The…

In the News
May 17, 2016

White House Details Sweeping Measure to Raise Wages

Tammy McCutchen comments on how the new overtime rule will impact workers’ wages.PoliticoView…

In the News
May 17, 2016

Employers to White House: Give Us More Time on Overtime Rule

Tammy McCutchen comments on the possible effective date for the expanded overtime rules.Daily Labor…
