In the News
August 11, 2016

Agreement’s Class Action Waiver Can’t Be Enforced

Michael Mankes comments on a federal judge’s ruling regarding class action…

In the News
August 11, 2016

Does Wearing a Gadsden Flag Insignia Make for a Hostile Workplace?

Barry Hartstein suggests steps for dealing with workplace conflicts.InsideCounselView Article

In the News
August 11, 2016

OSHA Fines Increase Significantly, in First-ever Rise

Jody Boquist describes the effects of OSHA’s higher fines on employers who are cited for…

In the News
August 10, 2016

Can Older ‘Subclasses' Sue Under ADEA?

Barry Hartstein comments on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s position regarding…

In the News
August 10, 2016

Keeping an Eye on Employees

Rod Fliegel outlines the legal considerations companies need to consider when conducting background…
