In the News
November 10, 2016

Trump Faces Legal Challenges In Dismantling Obama's Legacy

Michael Lotito notes the plausibility of the Trump administration to rescind or modify regulations…

In the News
November 10, 2016

Eight Obama Labor Actions Targeted by Trump and GOP

In a discussion of the Obama administration’s labor policies that may be opposed by…

November 9, 2016

New SEC 'Risk Alert' on Confidentiality Agreements

The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced that it considers illegal any employer-imposed…

November 9, 2016

GRAWA President's Message: Women in Politics

Pamela Reynolds discusses the state of women advancement in the legal profession.New York Daily…

In the News
November 9, 2016

The Pursuit of Happiness

Andrés Godoy discusses law firm associate satisfaction and how it relates to balancing types of…
