Deborah Margolis says a UK proposal to charge a fee for issuing claims in employment and employment appeal tribunals may deter genuine claims and will "almost certainly change the dynamic between employees.” (Subscription required.)
Bradford J. Kelley and James A. McGehee discuss 10 key aspects of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), which protects employees who are service members from discrimination and retaliation in their civilian employment. (S
Alexander MacDonald says its very difficult to classify a worker as an independent contractor for one purpose, but an employee for another, because there are things you have to do with respect to an employee that you don’t do with an independent contracto
Scott Rechtschaffen talks about the hopes and expectations for Legalweek24, the Cornell Tech class he teaches, and why it is important for there to be more transference between legal and technology roles.
Jim Paretti said that if the Supreme Court diminishes or overturns Chevron, it will send a message to lawmakers to either 'dive into the details and likely get them wrong' or 'leave it to the agencies whose rules may not be given much credit by the courts