Your search returned 827 results.

January 26, 2021

California Supreme Court Reaffirms 'ABC' Test Is Retroactive

Mel Cole, Michael Lotito and Bruce Sarchet expand on worker classifications under California law.

In the News
January 25, 2021

More Opinion Letters Issued in Final Days of Trump Administration

Kelli Fuqua and Kim Rives Miers address distributor relationships among multiple industries.

In the News
January 20, 2021

Biden Fires NLRB General Counsel After He Refuses to Resign

Michael Lotito shares how politics are affecting labor management across many industries.

Press Release
December 15, 2020

Littler Attorneys Recognized by BTI Consulting and Lawdragon

Several Littler attorneys have been named to BTI Consulting’s Client Service All-Stars list and the Lawdragon 500 Leading Corporate Employment Lawyers guide.

In the News
October 21, 2020

More flexibility and different HR management, so pandemic changes work

Carlo Majer and Edgardo Ratti advise employers implement more structured regulations as employees continue to work in a remote environment due to the pandemic.
