Your search returned 4784 results.

In the News
January 14, 2015

Littler’s Barry Hartstein breaks down the EEOC’s 2014, discusses the year to come

Inside CounselIn this article, Barry Hartstein provides insight on Littler’s Annual Report on EEOC

In the News
January 14, 2015

Amended Rules of Civil Procedure Address eDiscovery Preservation and Sanctions, Among Other Areas

Corporate Law & Accountability Report, Bloomberg BNAIn this article, Paul Weiner provides commentary

In the News
January 14, 2015

Judge Invalidates Another Piece of Home Care Worker Wage Regulations

National Law JournalMaurice Baskin is quoted in this article discussing a federal judge recently striking

In the News
January 13, 2015

NLRB Push Forces Rethinking of Social Media Policies

Compliance WeekPhil Gordon provides commentary on the issues surrounding the Purple Communications decision.View

In the News
January 13, 2015

5 Questions Weighing On Whistleblower Lawyers In 2015

Law360.comIn this article on the five open questions attorneys on both sides of the whistleblower bar
