Your search returned 4784 results.

In the News
April 22, 2015

What Are Your Rights at Work Regarding Taking Time off For Pregnancies or Medical Issues

In this radio segment, Alexis Knapp discusses pregnancy discrimination and the Family Medical Leave…

In the News
April 22, 2015

Equity Partnership More Attainable For Women At 1-Tier Firms

Lee Schreter provides perspective in this article exploring female attorneys at firms with just one…

In the News
April 22, 2015

When The SEC Pays Your Lawyer For Informing On You, Is That A Good Thing?

Gregory Keating is quoted in this article discussing the Securities and Exchange Commission's…

In the News
April 21, 2015

Only 12 BigLaw Firms Have Women Running The Show In this article discussing the paucity of women at the top of law firms, Lee Schreter provides

In the News
April 20, 2015

Female Attys Give Employment Boutiques A Boost In Biz Lee Schreter is quoted in this article exploring labor and employment boutique firms gaining
