Your search returned 383 results.

In the News
September 30, 2013

A Matter of Time (and Accuracy)

Human Resource Executive OnlineIn this article, Stacey Adams discusses new legislation surrounding unemployment

In the News
September 18, 2013

The Cost to Employers Will Increase if they pay more than 3.6 in Minimum Wages

El FinancieroIn this article, Tania Avila discusses the proposed changes to the Social Security Act (LSS)

In the News
September 12, 2013

Despite delay, clock is ticking for ACA employment mandate

Virginia Lawyers WeeklyIlyse Schuman is quoted in this article discussing the ACA delay and other requirements

August 28, 2013

Same-Sex Marriages and Benefit Plans After Windsor

Thomson Reuters Westlaw Journal Employment

August 14, 2013

Commentary: Oregon becomes first state to require bereavement leave

Daily Journal of Commerce, OregonDon Stait authored an article discussing the parameters of the new Oregon
