Your search returned 826 results.

In the News
June 28, 2022

Managers have been living in a pressure cooker. Many have had it.

Claire Deason talks about how the workplace is experiencing profound social, psychological and economic change and how remote work is affecting senior officers, managers and employees.

In the News
June 15, 2022

Low IP extortion via strike summons

Jorge Sales Boyoli talks about reasons a union can call a company to strike. (Subscription required.)

In the News
June 9, 2022

Experts disagree on the consequences of raising severance payments

Iván López García de la Riva discusses Spain’s plan to raise severance payments in certain situations.

In the News
May 26, 2022

How will the hospitality industry face the first summer without eventuals or contracts for work and service?

Antonio Pedrajas discusses how a new regulation in Spain regarding a discontinuous fixed model for employees will affect the hospitality industry this summer.

May 1, 2022

Rewriting U.S. Labor Law Through the PRO Act & Other Avenues: Implications for the Employer Community

Michael Lotito, David Ostern and Michelle Devlin examine the PRO Act and other ways the Biden administration is trying to transform American labor law.
