In the News
March 26, 2020

Virus Rebate for Guest Workers Hinges on Defining ‘Nonresident’

Jorge Lopez describes situations in which visa holders could receive stimulus money.

March 25, 2020

DOL Publishes Initial Guidance on How to Implement Emergency Paid Sick and Paid FMLA Leave

Jeff Nowak reviews the highlights of the Families First Coronavirus Resource Act.

In the News
March 25, 2020

IRS promises full, immediate reimbursement for coronavirus leave

Jeff Nowak worries that the tax credits would be “far too late.”

March 25, 2020

A patchwork of family status accommodation, continued

Rhonda Levy and Barry Kuretzky consider family status discrimination in Alberta and offer suggestions for employers.

March 24, 2020

Critical benefit for families: Government and progressive employers offer paid leave

Rachel Rosenblatt suggests paid leave carries benefits for employers.
