Your search returned 825 results.

In the News
January 2, 2023

4 NLRB Developments To Watch In 2023

Michael Lotito talks about the focal points for the NLRB this year, as the agency’s Democratic majority finalizes its joint-employer rule. (Subscription required.)

In the News
December 19, 2022

How to Identify Forced Labor in Supply Chains

Donald Dowling says abusive labor practices are a huge problem around the world, and often the smaller local manufacturers, miners and growers within countries that are committing labor abuses are bigger problems than the multinational firms. (Subscriptio

In the News
December 15, 2022

Littler’s Erin Webber: Don’t be driven by fear, focus on your talent

Erin Webber talks about the changes the legal industry has experienced over the past few years, and how Littler has turned those changes into opportunities and successes. (Subscription required.)

In the News
December 15, 2022

Litigation Likely To Test Reach Of New NLRB Remedy Ruling

Michael Lotito comments on the NLRB’s Thryv decision and says the "foreseeable" prong of the standard is so open-ended that it could be difficult for litigants to understand what does and does not fall within its scope. (Subscription required.)

In the News
November 29, 2022

How Biden’s pledge to be the ‘most pro-union’ US president has affected HR

Jim Paretti talks about how President Biden has protected workers and implemented labor changes over the past two years. (Subscription required.)
