In the News
June 26, 2020

Virus Link to ‘Double Damages’ Rollback Skewered by Obama Alums

Dane Steffenson provides insight on wage and hour liquidated damages amid pandemic.

June 26, 2020

Return to work survey gauges employers’ concerns

Rhonda Levy and Sari Springer summarize data from Littler’s COVID-19 Return to Work Survey Report.

Press Release
June 26, 2020

Littler Earns Gold Standard Certification From the Women In Law Empowerment Forum

The firm met all six certification criteria this year, and is among seven firms that have been awarded this certification every year since 2011.

In the News
June 25, 2020

Leave extension requests aren't necessarily unreasonable, 9th Cir. Says

Jeff Nowak offers insight on leave of absence accommodations and employment termination.

June 25, 2020

So, When Can I Consider Salary History in Setting Compensation?

Alexandra Hemenway explains how relying on salary history alone to set compensation can violate equal pay legislation.
