In the News
July 1, 2020

At work in post-Covid? Employee well-being at the center

Carlo Majer and Edgardo Ratti provide insight to employers on protecting workers post-Covid.

July 1, 2020

DOL Provides Guidance on FFCRA Leave Due to Summer Camp Closures

Sebastian Chilco and Jim Paretti provide guidance on when employees may be eligible to take paid family leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).

July 1, 2020

COVID Discussion in the Workplace: Know the Limits

Dan Boatright offers answers to questions about the coronavirus.

In the News
June 30, 2020

Return-to-Work Changes Pose Litigation Trap for Overtime Rules

Lee Schreter provides insight to employers on wage and hour policies when returning to work.

In the News
June 30, 2020

AI Use to Screen Pandemic Job Seekers Could Lead to Bias Claims

Aaron Crews provides insight to employers on how AI technology could potentially be discriminatory.
