In the News
August 11, 2020

Why the ‘Honest Belief’ Defense in FMLA Cases Is Actually Working

Jeff Nowak sees full and complete investigations as beneficial for employers.

In the News
August 10, 2020

BLM Spurs Employers To Look More Closely At Implicit Bias

According to Yvette Gatling, when bias is recognized, tools must be put in place to fit it.

In the News
August 7, 2020

New York Court Vacates FFCRA Provisions for Home Health Care

Angelo Spinola views the ruling as national in scope.

In the News
August 7, 2020

An Employer's Guide To 'Composite' Retirement Plans

Michael Congiu comments on a plan proposed in Congress.

In the News
August 7, 2020

If Your Employee Breaks the Law

Donald Dowling considers what to do if an expat gets into trouble.
