In the News
August 18, 2020

'It's just breathtaking': How a turbulent 2020 is likely to impact HR policies in the long run

Bruce Sarchet discusses how the pandemic will affect workplace policies, especially in HR operations.

In the News
August 17, 2020

New Rule Allows Banks to Hire More People with Criminal Records

Jonathan Shapiro expects banks will favor further loosening of Section 19 restrictions on hiring employees with criminal records.

August 17, 2020

New survey provides guidance for bringing employees back to work

Jen Robinson and Theresa Hammond describe findings from Littler’s back-to-work survey.

In the News
August 14, 2020

What to Expect and How to Defend an ERISA Lawsuit

Sarah Bryan Fask discusses the types of litigation employers may face under the Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

In the News
August 14, 2020

5 Tips For Helping Workers Deal With Mask-Averse Customers

Terri Solomon encourages employers to erect exterior signs about their mask policy.
