September 4, 2020

Independent contractors and AB 2257: different year, same story

Bruce Sarchet expects the turbulent debates over the independent contractor status to continue.

Press Release
September 3, 2020

Littler Earns California Minority Counsel Program’s Prestigious Drucilla Stender Ramey Award

This is the second time Littler has won the award which honors CMCP law firm members that have demonstrated the strongest commitment to inclusion and diversity.

In the News
September 3, 2020

Legal, HR Headaches of COVID-19

Michael Gotzler encourages employers to be thoughtful about how they decided who comes back to work in person and who does not.

September 2, 2020

Cross-Border Sexual Harassment Claims and Investigations

Philip Berkowitz explains how to handle sexual harassment workplace investigations domestically and internationally.

In the News
September 2, 2020

Defense of Trade Secrets Act: Part of a TTO’s international IP protection toolbox

Scott McDonald highlights major provisions of the trade secrets act.
