In the News
September 22, 2020

Littler survey: smarter working and greater attention to well-being, but employment will drop once subsidies are over

Carlo Majer, Edgardo Ratti and Guillaume Desmoulin offer perspectives on the employer survey.

In the News
September 22, 2020

Europe Appears More Open To Long-Term Telework Than US

Stephan Swinkels explores the findings of Littler’s survey.

In the News
September 21, 2020

Average wait time for tribunal stands at nine months, claim lawyers

Raoul Parekh points out that the delays are bad for employees and bad for businesses.

In the News
September 21, 2020

Employment tribunals backlog could trigger more settlements

Raoul Parekh suggests employees may want to settle claims rather than fighting on for months or years.

In the News
September 21, 2020

COVID-19 vaccination: Mandatory request or PR nightmare?

According to Barry Hartstein, it’s not too early for employers to evaluate their options.
