Press Release
September 22, 2020

European Employers Expect Long-Term Workplace Changes Post-Pandemic, New Littler Research Finds

A survey of more than 750 executives reveals that remote work, employee wellbeing, managing vacation time and workforce reductions are top of mind with European companies

In the News
September 22, 2020

Employers can require workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Will it come to that?

Harry Jones considers how employers might approach a vaccine requirement.

September 22, 2020

New 'false light' privacy tort and how it might impact employers

Rhonda Levy and Barry Kuretzky encourage employers to be attentive to the language used in their statements about individuals – both to their own employees and to the general public.

In the News
September 22, 2020

European employers expecting to shed staff as government support dries up

Stephan Swinkels expects more government support measures with a second wave of the coronavirus.

September 22, 2020

Using AI to Improve Hiring Legally and Ethically

Aaron Crews and Matt Scherer address the highs and lows of AI for people-related decisions.
