Press Release
November 20, 2020

Littler Attorneys in Four Countries Named to 2021 Best Lawyers™ List

In addition, Littler firms Godoy Córdoba Abogados and Schuster Aguiló LLC were named 2021 “Law Firm of the Year” in Colombia and Puerto Rico, respectively.

In the News
November 18, 2020

Biden Vows to Roll Back Trump’s Immigration Policies

Jorge Lopez considers possible immigration policies for the new administration.

In the News
November 18, 2020

Lead Loudly: Female Leaders in the Workplace

Jen Robinson talks about professionalism, diversity and motherhood.

Press Release
November 18, 2020

Employers Focused on Extended Remote Work, Impact of Presidential Election, Littler Survey Finds

The survey was completed by representatives of nearly 1,100 companies in mid-October – seven months after the remote-work pivot necessitated by the coronavirus and just weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

In the News
November 13, 2020

4 Ways Virtual Meetings Can Cause Real Legal Problems

Cindy-Ann Thomas explains how a hostile work environment could threaten a virtual meeting.
