Your search returned 624 results.

In the News
January 12, 2023

Back to the Future: Biden Administration Seeks Return to Restrictive Standards for Businesses and Independent Contractors

Maury Baskin talks about the NLRB independent contractor rule, the joint employer rule and the differences between them.

In the News
January 11, 2023

4 Priorities Highlighted In The EEOC's Draft Enforcement Plan

Jim Paretti discusses the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s enforcement proposal, which indicates that the commission may focus more on technology and artificial intelligence. (Subscription required.)

January 9, 2023

Proposed Overtime Rule Scheduled to Be Published in May

Shannon Meade examines the key labor and employment regulatory actions included in the Biden administration’s long-awaited Fall 2022 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. (Subscription required.)

In the News
December 19, 2022

NLRB’s Vacant GOP Seat Likely to Remain Empty Until Summer

Michael Lotito talks about the politics involved in the makeup of the National Labor Relations Board and explains why a vacant seat may remain empty until August. (Subscription required.)

In the News
December 15, 2022

Litigation Likely To Test Reach Of New NLRB Remedy Ruling

Michael Lotito comments on the NLRB’s Thryv decision and says the "foreseeable" prong of the standard is so open-ended that it could be difficult for litigants to understand what does and does not fall within its scope. (Subscription required.)
