In the News
January 6, 2021

Labor Department issues final independent contractor rule

Michael Lotito provides insight on how the new DOL rule redefines the independent contractor workforce.

In the News
January 6, 2021

DOL relaxes FLSA independent contractor test

Michael Lotito shares his opinion on the new DOL rule.

In the News
January 6, 2021

NYC Adds 'Just Cause' Protections For Fast Food Workers

Eli Freedberg explains how New York City’s new legislations will harshly affect small businesses.

In the News
January 6, 2021

Legal Tech’s Predictions for Remote Working and COVID-19 in 2021

Michael A. Chichester, Jr. provides insight on how COVID-19 has transformed several industries.

January 6, 2021

Historic ruling on compensation for gender discrimination

Ole Kristian Olsby and Nina Elisabeth Thjømøe explain Norway’s new Anti-discrimination Tribunal.
