January 26, 2021

California Supreme Court Reaffirms 'ABC' Test Is Retroactive

Mel Cole, Michael Lotito and Bruce Sarchet expand on worker classifications under California law.

In the News
January 25, 2021

Can employees be required to get vaccinated? Panelists weigh in

Lisa Griffith explains accommodations employers can make if employees refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.

In the News
January 25, 2021

More Opinion Letters Issued in Final Days of Trump Administration

Kelli Fuqua and Kim Rives Miers address distributor relationships among multiple industries.

In the News
January 25, 2021

Restaurants push for more access to COVID vaccine, but unlikely to force workers to receive it

Jim Paretti explains how franchisees can cautiously navigate the COVID-19 vaccine dilemma.

In the News
January 22, 2021

Coworking as a gateway to COVID restrictions? Restaurateurs are starting to rent their spaces

Robert Stępień provides insight on renting workspaces and how it could pose health risks to employees.
