In the News
January 28, 2021

Gender Discrimination in the Securities Industry

Terri Solomon provides insight on implementing policies to avoid discrimination issues.

Press Release
January 28, 2021

Littler Earns 13th Consecutive 100 Percent in 2021 Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Annual Scorecard on LGBTQ Workplace Equality

Littler’s efforts in satisfying all of the CEI’s criteria resulted in a 100% ranking and the designation as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality.

In the News
January 27, 2021

W-2s May Need to Be Corrected Due to the FFCRA

Jim Paretti explains the importance of correct W-2s amid the pandemic.

In the News
January 27, 2021

Biden Aims to Tamp Down on Asian Bias Spike Fueled by Pandemic

David Goldstein comments on President Biden's recent memorandum addressing xenophobia.

In the News
January 27, 2021

Inadequate Medicaid Rates’ Threaten Home Care Providers Amid $15 Minimum Wage Push

Angelo Spinola explains the how the projected laws will affect the home health and come care industry.
