October 12, 2021

With-cause dismissal of long-term fiduciary employee justified

Rhonda B. Levy and Barry Kuretzky discuss an Ontario decision that indicates that fiduciary employees may be terminated immediately for cause if they conduct themselves dishonestly and/or exercise poor judgment.

In the News
October 11, 2021

Why a Layoff Is Not an Alternative to Terminations for Cause

Jeff Nowak talks about the risks of laying off an underperforming employee.

In the News
October 8, 2021

Guide for companies in ERTE: How to benefit from the training bonus?

Jesús Lahera discusses an increase in exemptions for companies in ERTE that train their workers.

In the News
October 8, 2021

Fine-Tune Call-In Procedures to Reduce FMLA Misuse

Jeff Nowak discusses call-in procedures to determine if the Family and Medical Leave Act (FLMA) applies in an employee absence.

In the News
October 8, 2021

Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation, and Employment Law Practice: Ten Years in Review

Donald Dowling weighs in on legal developments we should watch over the next 10 years.
