In the News
April 27, 2021

Return to office ‘a perfect storm’ of privacy issues for businesses

Philip Gordon explains how to handle vaccine privacy as employees are returning to the workplace.

Press Release
April 27, 2021

Shareholder Jessica Travers Returns to Littler's Orlando Office

Travers is the second shareholder to rejoin the firm in April.

In the News
April 26, 2021

Can My Boss Force Me Not to Wear a Face Mask at Work?

Jim Paretti shares his insight on mask mandates according to CDC guidelines.

In the News
April 23, 2021

California’s COVID-19 Paid-Sick-Leave Mandate Brings Logistical Difficulties

Michelle Barrett Falconer explains how the FFRCA and SB 95 affect tax credit under California law.

April 23, 2021

California Adopts Statewide ‘Right to Recall’ Law for Certain Industries

Michael Lotito and Bruce Sarchet go in-depth about California’s "right-to-recall" ordinances.
