In the News
June 21, 2021

Connecticut Passes Law Requiring Disclosure of Wage

Maura A. Mastrony writes about Connecticut’s new HB 6380, which requires employers to disclose salary ranges to applicants and employees.

In the News
June 21, 2021

DOL's Proposed Tip Rule Leaves Gray Areas, Attorneys Say

David Jordan discusses the U.S. Department of Labor's proposal to reform wage requirements for tipped workers.

In the News
June 21, 2021

This Legal Change Could "Severely Disrupt" Franchising. Learn About the PRO Act's Joint-Employer Standard

Michael Lotito offers insight on the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (or PRO Act), which includes a change to a standard known as “joint employer.”

June 21, 2021

How Proposed Ill. Amendment Would Change Union Rights

Jennifer Jones and Tanja Thompson write about a proposed amendment to the Illinois Constitution that could significantly impact both public and private sector bargaining rights if approved by voters.

Press Release
June 21, 2021

Littler Adds Shareholder William Robbins in Kansas City

With a career spanning more than two decades, Robbins represents companies in a variety of industries in investigations involving compliance with OSHA requirements, as well as in developing industry-specific workplace safety standards.
