Your search returned 1590 results.

December 1, 2007

Update on Validity of Electronic Communications and Employee Electronic Signatures: Not a Disfavored Method of Obtaining Employee Consent (Yet)

LexisNexis Expert CommentariesThis article, authored by Littler's Tyler Paetkau and Jacy Grais, provides

November 6, 2007

USERRA Protections Have Far-Reaching Implications for Employers

"Wartime Duties," LawdragonThis article is geared towards clarifying the Uniformed Services Employment

September 7, 2007

Supreme Court Rules Ralph's Grocery Co. Inc.'s Incentive Compensation Plan Lawful

"Affirmed Incentive," Los Angeles Daily JournalIn a recent Supreme Court ruling, the court determined

August 1, 2007

5 Must-Have Employment Defense Motions in Limine

Contra Costa LawyerIn this Littler attorney-authored article, Michael Brewer discusses five effective

August 1, 2007

New Anti-Discrimination Legislature Reminds that Workplaces Must Reflect Diversity

"Protecting Gender Identity," The National Law JournalIn this article discussing recent and pending legislation
