Your search returned 1595 results.

October 13, 2009

Marianela Peralta Addresses Post-ARRA Employer Wage and Contract Obligations and Risks

"Ask the Expert: Q & A," Fair Employment Practices GuidelinesIn this attorney-authored article, Marianela

October 9, 2009

A Duty to Protect

Corporate CounselIn this article, Littler attorney Terri Solomon provides commentary on workplace violence,

September 7, 2009

Labor Day Memo: Elections Have Consequences

The National Law JournalIn this co-authored article, Robert J. Battista, a shareholder in Littler's

September 1, 2009

Micah Heilbrun Lays Boundaries Around Disciplinary Actions Against Employees for Online Activities

"Ask the Expert: Q & A," Fair Employment Practices GuidelinesIn this attorney-authored article, Micah

August 31, 2009

Union Trespassers Roam the Corridors of California Hospitals: Is a Return to the Rule of Law Possible?

Whittier Law Review, August 2009In this attorney-authored article, William Emanuel of Littler's Los
