In the News
March 14, 2022

Is Use of Employee Monitoring Contributing to the Great Resignation?

With a big uptick in companies tracking and reporting on the productivity and performance of remote workers, Philip Gordon explains several situations that can get them in legal hot water while doing so.

In the News
March 11, 2022

Pandemic Worsens Pay Inequity For Women, Experts Say

Patricia J. Martin explains how the pandemic has affected women in the workplace and pay equity.

March 11, 2022

In New York City, Subjectivity Trumps Data Analytics

Allan G. King and Michael J. Lotito discuss New York’s new law that makes it unlawful for employers to use artificial intelligence, or other data-driven tools, to help hire or promote employees, unless those tools are certified as “unbiased” according

March 10, 2022

Manufacturing’s Tech Transformation & Sustainability

Mickey Chichester and Britney Torres discuss how recent supply chain issues and labor shortages have accelerated the modernization of the manufacturing industry and what that means for employers and their workforces.

In the News
March 10, 2022

When Might an Employer Question FMLA Certification?

Jeff Nowak explains what choices employers have if an employee fails to provide sufficient certification for FMLA leave.
