Your search returned 1536 results.

January 20, 2012

In civil litigation, 'private' social media data isn't private

ComputerworldLittler’s Aaron Crews explains why the rules governing e-discovery apply to social media

January 15, 2012

Civil Servant or Support Staff? Navigating the Conundrum of U.S. Employment Laws and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

Thomson Reuters World Trade ExecutiveAuthored by Littler attorney Rebecca Aragon, this article provides

January 3, 2012

Misclassification Gets More Expensive

The RecorderLittler’s Alison Hightower and GJ MacDonnell explain a new law that lays heavy fines on

December 23, 2011

No Mandated Meals If Work Is On Wheels

Law360.comIn this article, Littler attorney Michael Gregg asserts that if the federal district court

December 19, 2011

Electronic Discovery: A Special Report - Plaintiffs have their own duty to preserve

The National Law JournalThis article, written by Littler’s Paul Weiner, explains an area often overlooked
