Your search returned 1536 results.

June 21, 2012

An Overview Of 'Rabbi Trusts'

Law360.comLittler's Bruce McNeil explains the “rabbi trust" and how it has evolved as a way for

June 14, 2012

Conn.: Expanding Hostile Work Environment Protections

Law360.comLittler’s Jason Stanevich and Paul Testa discuss the Connecticut Supreme Court’s decision

June 12, 2012

Private-Sector Employment Survey Sees a Break in the Clouds

Corporate CounselIn this article, Littler's Nancy Delogu discusses the Executive Employer survey

June 6, 2012

Federal court finds NLRB’s expedited election rule invalid

Daily Journal of CommerceIn this article, Littler attorneys Howard Rubin and Don Stait discuss the National

May 22, 2012

Wage and hour lawsuit: gratuity is just that — gratuity

Daily JournalIn this Littler attorney-authored article, Tanja Darrow discusses the wave of employees
