Your search returned 286 results.

In the News
April 29, 2021

Pending legislation would modify AB 5 independent contractor law

Bruce Sarchet explains how bill AB 1561 will affect the gig economy, if passed.

April 28, 2021

COVID Is Accelerating the Gig Economy

Sophia Behnia and Michael Chichester, Jr. explain how automation and a shift to more permanent remote work could accelerate the gig economy and independent contractor work.

In the News
April 21, 2021

Independent-Contractor Status Is Still a Hot Topic in California

Bruce Sarchet provides key points to California employers about the controversial independent-contractor test, known as the ABC test.

In the News
April 15, 2021

Gig Companies Face California Crackdowns That Uber, Lyft Escape

Michael Lotito shares how gig companies left out of Proposition 22 protections could face litigation issues.

In the News
April 14, 2021

What’s at Stake with the PRO Act Vote

Jim Paretti explains his opinion of the PRO Act and how he sees it affecting organized labor, if passed.
