In the News
March 17, 2022

Gig Economy May See Tougher Contractor Rule After Court Victory

Michael Lotito weighs in on how a recent district court win for employers regarding the independent contractor rule may set parameters and influence the rulemaking process.

In the News
March 16, 2022

Seismic Workplace Shifts Merit New Anti-Bias Trainings

Cindy-Ann Thomas said the workplace has changed, and so employers need to evolve their anti-harassment and anti-discrimination trainings, and protect employees who still choose to wear masks in the workplace.

In the News
March 16, 2022

Generate doubts profit sharing scheme

As a result of subcontracting reform, Jorge Sales Boyoli explains that some companies want to distribute profits under conservative criteria and plan to compensate by distributing an additional bonus.

In the News
March 14, 2022

Is Use of Employee Monitoring Contributing to the Great Resignation?

With a big uptick in companies tracking and reporting on the productivity and performance of remote workers, Philip Gordon explains several situations that can get them in legal hot water while doing so.

In the News
March 11, 2022

Pandemic Worsens Pay Inequity For Women, Experts Say

Patricia J. Martin explains how the pandemic has affected women in the workplace and pay equity.
