Your search returned 135 results.

August 1, 2011

The Trade Secret Exception in California: Dead, Near Dead or Just Dying?

Bender’s California Labor & Employment BulletinIn this article, Littler attorney Stephen C. Tedesco

July 1, 2011

DuPont v. Kolon: A Post-Zubulake Reminder that Litigation Holds and Efforts to Avoid Spoliation Are Not Static

SidebarThis article, co-authored by Littler attorney Linda Jackson, explores the case of DuPont v. Kolon

April 26, 2010

Mayo Clinic Case Difficult to Diagnose

Connecticut Law TribuneThis article, written by George E. O'Brien Jr. of Littler's New Haven

In the News
May 9, 2009

Greg Keating Discusses Legal Conflicts of Moonlighting

"Moonlighting Can Pay, but Consider the Costs," The New York TimesIn this article, which explores the

In the News
November 20, 2008

Marguerite Walsh Explains Surge in Suits Over Noncompete Agreements

"Litigation Over Noncompete Pacts is on the Rise," Workforce Management  This article discusses the
