Lavanga V. Wijekoon and Emily Linn examine a new Illinois law (SB 1782) that enhances restrictions on the employment of minors and imposes certain new civil and criminal penalties on violating employers. (Subscription required)
Bradford Kelley and Mike Paglialonga explain the basics of wage and hour laws and why it’s critical for business owners to ensure their business complies with federal, state and local laws and regulations.
David Goldstein discusses how long employers should keep rejected job candidates’ records and says their ATS system for storing those records should be configured to comply with applicable laws.
Michael Lotito says the future decisions and direction of the NLRB depend on whether Chair Lauren McFerran is confirmed to remain in her current position for another five years. (Subscription required)
Ellen Donovan McCann says post-employment benefits are often the first to be amended when businesses experience budget challenges, but employers may have to take more care in changing them if SCOTUS decides that former employees can sue over those benefit