Your search returned 135 results.

In the News
February 2, 2017

$500M Oculus Verdict Could Spell High-Stakes Injunction Fight

Jackie Johnson discusses the potential effects of an injunction on sales and monetary…

December 21, 2016

Texas in the Top 5 for Trade Secret Litigation … Here's What You Need to Know

Melodie Craft wrote this article describing steps employers should take to protect their trade…

November 9, 2016

New SEC 'Risk Alert' on Confidentiality Agreements

The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced that it considers illegal any employer-imposed…

October 24, 2016

Nevada High Court's Unyielding Approach To Noncompetes

Patrick Hicks and Kathryn Blakey co-authored this article outlining recommendations employers should…

October 19, 2016

Coming to America: Protecting Your Startup’s Trade Secrets in the US Under a Game-Changing Statute

Eric Savage authored this article outlining the new, federal provisions of the Defend Trade Secrets…
