Your search returned 817 results.

In the News
July 10, 2009

Former NLRB Chair Bob Battista Reflects on Changes in Labor Relations and Economy

"Labor Relations," Washington Business JournalIn this article featuring Bob Battista of Littler's

In the News
August 18, 2008

Bob Battista Advises Employers on EFCA

"Employers Take Up Union Tactics with Threat of EFCA," Law360.comIn light of the possible EFCA enactment

June 12, 2008

Proceed with Caution in Restricting Union Buttons

Law360.comIn this attorney-authored article, Gregory Keating and Roberta Ruiz of Littler's Boston

Press Release
May 5, 2008

Littler Mendelson Welcomes Robert J. Battista to Growing Washington, D.C., Office

Nation's Largest Employment Law Firm Adds Former Chairman of the National Labor Relations BoardWashington,

May 21, 2007

The Perils of Union Activism Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

The AFL-CIO and other proponents of the Employee Free Choice Act have argued that many union organizing
