Your search returned 829 results.

In the News
September 5, 2013

Town Hall, Library Employees Get Four-Year Contracts

HamdenPatchJason Stanevich ‘s representation of the town of Hamden, Connecticut in its union negotiations

September 1, 2013

Fate of NLRB Recess Appointments Now in Hands of Supreme Court

The Labouring Oar, Federal Bar AssociationIn this article, Carie Torrence and Sara Kalis discuss the

In the News
August 23, 2013

NLRB GC Invalidity Ruling To Trigger New Wave Of Challenges

Law360.comIn this article, Littler attorney Michael Lotito provides commentary on a federal court ruling

In the News
August 21, 2013

Biz Groups Urge DC Circ. Not To Reconsider NLRB Poster Rule

Law360.comMaurice Baskin responds to the National Labor Relations Board’s petition of a poster rule

In the News
August 16, 2013

Unions Can Organize ‘Micro Units,’ Court Affirms

The Wall Street JournalIn this article, Michael Lotito responds to the recent National Labor Relations
