In the News
December 31, 2006

Anna Mary Gannon Warns Employers of the New E-Discovery Risks

"E-Discovery," California Lawyer Magazine 8-K Forum In this California Lawyer 8-K Roundtable discussion,

In the News
December 28, 2006

Neil Alexander Notes Expense of New Document Retention Rules

"Businesses Face Costly Document Retention in Wake of New Rules," Phoenix Business JournalLittler's

In the News
December 25, 2006

Jeremy Roth Sees Employee Lawsuits on the Horizon

"Employee vs. Employer Lawsuits Seen to Dominate Legal Headlines in '07," San Diego Daily TranscriptIn

In the News
December 22, 2006

Mark Jodon Comments on SEIU Strategy

"Janitor's union shops for a mall worker contract," Houston ChronicleIn this article discussing the

In the News
December 18, 2006

Jody Landry Recommends Less Alcohol for Holiday Office Parties

"Best Recipe for Holiday Mixers Is Light on Alcohol," San Diego Business JournalIn this article discussing
