January 15, 2012

Civil Servant or Support Staff? Navigating the Conundrum of U.S. Employment Laws and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

Thomson Reuters World Trade ExecutiveAuthored by Littler attorney Rebecca Aragon, this article provides

In the News
January 13, 2012

New wage protection law remains murky to employers

Daily JournalThis article focuses on a provision of the state of California’s Wage Theft Prevention

In the News
January 12, 2012

New labor laws mean money

Monterey County HeraldThis article focuses on new California state labor laws and notes that while they

Press Release
January 12, 2012

Littler’s Peter Susser and Peter Petesch Author New Publication on Disability Discrimination and the Workplace Released by Bloomberg BNA

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 12, 2011) - Peter Susser and Peter Petesch, shareholders in the Washington,

In the News
January 11, 2012

Budget Erosion, Looming Retirements Add to Demands on IRS Compliance As Health Care Reform, FATCA Implementation Swing Into Play for 2012

BNA Bloomberg Daily Tax ReportLittler shareholder William Weissman provides perspective on the Voluntary
