In the News
September 12, 2023

Proposed DOL Overtime Threshold Increase Could Stretch Some Industries

Lee Schreter explains why nonprofits in particular would struggle with a federally proposed $20,000 increase in salaried workers' eligibility for overtime.

In the News
September 11, 2023

New report offers insight into recent federal agency actions that impact employers

Michael Lotito and Shannon Meade discuss the findings of the WPI’s 2023 Labor Day Report. (Subscription required.)

September 7, 2023

The Summer’s death knell for affirmative action has passed - Now what?

Jim Thelen says the Supreme Court’s Harvard/UNC decision does not directly impact employment law but may impact the way the public, employees, the judiciary, government agencies and opposition groups looking for ways to legally challenge such programs and

In the News
September 6, 2023

NY Enacts Law Making Wage Theft Larceny

Paul Piccigallo and Matthew R. Capobianco talk about a new law in New York that will charge employers who commit wage theft in that state with larceny.

September 5, 2023

Exploring the legality of workplace surveillance's 'gray area'

Mickey Chichester and Ellie McPike discuss workplace surveillance and the considerations and laws that employers must be aware of if they are tracking employees who work off site.
