June 22, 2012

Further Clarifying Calif. Wage Law In Cash V. Winn

Law360.comIn this article, Littler attorney Ryan Eddings discusses Cash v. Winn, a case in which the

In the News
June 22, 2012

Health-Care Ruling: Who Wins, Who Loses

FoxBusinessNewsIn an article on the looming U.S. Supreme Court decision over the constitutionality of

June 21, 2012

An Overview Of 'Rabbi Trusts'

Law360.comLittler's Bruce McNeil explains the “rabbi trust" and how it has evolved as a way for

In the News
June 21, 2012

SEIU's High Court Loss May Spur Battle Over Union Fees

Law360.comThis article discusses the June 21, 2012 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Service Employees International

In the News
June 20, 2012

Drug Rep Ruling May Give Employers More Ammo In OT Suits

Law360.comThis article discusses the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of GlaxoSmithKline in finding
