In the News
March 4, 2014

Whistleblower Ruling Means New Risks for Private Companies

Wall Street JournalIn this article discussing the U.S. Supreme Court recent endorsement of a broad reading

In the News
March 4, 2014

Sarbanes-Oxley whistle-blower rules apply to private firms: High court

Business InsuranceEdward Ellis is quoted in this article exploring the U.S. Supreme Court's recent

In the News
March 4, 2014

Justices Expand Corporate Whistleblower Protection

National Law JournalIn this article exploring the U.S. Supreme Court's recent expansion of legal

In the News
March 4, 2014

Supreme Court 6-3 Says SOX Section 806 Protects Employees of Private Contractors

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportEdward Ellis provides commentary in this article discussing the U.S.

In the News
March 3, 2014

Ongoing Push for Mandated Paid Sick Leave Defined by Patchwork of State, Local Laws

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportIn this article exploring the growing number of states that have enacted
